Bremmer Boomkwekerijen, Waddinxveen
Bremmer Boomkwekerijen is the company of cousins Paul and Cornelis Bremmer. Their fathers both had nurseries, which they have since merged. Since 2005, Bremmer has focused mainly on growing (more than 150 species) of conifers. They have been working with Van Tuijl for more than 25 years. “Thanks to our labeling line and the cooperation with Van Tuijl, we are flexible until the last moment before delivery, which is an important advantage in our sector.”
For the founding of Bremmer Boomkwekerijen, we go back to 1929. Cornelis and Paul's grandfather, Cor Bremmer, started growing roses at the age of 19. Paul explains, “He rented a piece of land in Hazerswoude for this purpose. It was not easy for him, because in that same year was the Beurskrach and after that the economy was very bad for about 10 years. After this the war began, which of course was not an easy time either. He then started growing vegetables just to survive.
My father (1940) was taken out of school early on to help in my grandfather's nursery, which was hard work. At one point my father had had enough, he had just married, and bought an acre of grassland in Waddinxveen to start growing for himself. That was fairly successful. My uncles bought land next to my father's nursery. That way they could strengthen each other.
10 years later, Paul's father bought a piece of land further down the street that was more accessible and to expand the business. His brothers bought his first plot. In the '70s, growing in pots came up; they were one of the first to grow in this way. Pretty soon, around the 1980s, the plastic pots came, before that the pots were still made of stone.
Around the turn of the century, Paul took over the business. “My father had a hernia then and couldn't do much, so I was in the middle of it all at once.” At that time, they grew a variety of things: shrubs, conifers and perennials, among others. After working together, Paul merged with his uncles' company where nephew Cornelis has since joined. To this day, Paul works with Cornelis. “We had a lot of overlap in crops and customers and we didn't want to go it alone, so it was a logical step to merge our companies.” At that time, the decision is also made to focus solely on growing conifers. Since then, the assortment has expanded to as many as 150 species.
The plants are delivered to wholesalers in the Netherlands. These then export 90% of the plants to, for example, Germany, Scandinavia and the Baltic States. Today, the company has two locations in Waddinxveen and now covers 12 ha. It employs some 25 full-time employees.
The partnership with Van Tuijl has existed for more than 25 years, Paul points out. “They first supplied my uncles and were initially dealers. At one point Van Tuijl started manufacturing pots themselves, and we bought them directly from them. They were able to work with us to supply the right pots every time. The fact that Van Tuijl can manufacture their own pots is a must.”
Paul was looking for a long time for a solution to create customer-specific labels. This allows us, together with our customers, to be flexible up to the last minute. “You have to be able to print labels to make them customer-specific. The problem is weather resistance: paper cannot withstand water and sun on plastic is difficult to print. Eventually I found printing material, a plastic with an ink-absorbing layer that is weatherproof after coating. Initially we pinned the labels on sticks, but that is not convenient, because consumers can then easily change them. Since prices are also on the labels, they must be securely attached to the jar.”
How to easily attach labels to the jar. “There was a solid thought process behind that. I then started looking for a party that could help me with this and the first thing I did was talk to our regular supplier, Van Tuijl. They developed a mold that is made precisely so that the label can be placed in it and stays firmly in place. The prices of our products are different and can change, so it is important to be flexible. Thanks to our labeling line and the custom-made production by Van Tuijl, we are, which means we can switch at the last minute. A very important advantage in our industry.”
Van Tuijl supplies various products to Bremmer Nurseries. Among others the 19cm (3 liter) and 23cm (5 liter) pot are produced with these own moulds. Recently the 4 liter pot is also supplied by Van Tuijl. Possibly new sizes of pots will follow which we will also use a lot.
The quality of Van Tuijl's pots is good and also the color is stable, Paul believes. According to him, Van Tuijl's strong point is particularly its flexibility. “That could also be a disadvantage, but it is particularly an advantage for us. We let them make the mold themselves, then you buy the pot right away. They really aren't afraid to stick their necks out; if I think of something, they always want to make it right away. When you work together in this way, a relationship of trust is essential. That is exactly what we have with Van Tuijl. They think along with us and are able to deliver custom work. On to the next 25 years we would say.”
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